Club conducted Online Marathi Abhivachan Sparda in association with Marathi Sahitya Parishad & Continental Prakashan ( State level Competition- open for all) . Its for rotarians and non- rotarians. There are 45 participants. Some are from out of Pune. Club arranged physical Prize distribution Ceremony in B..V. Rao hall. Dr. Veena Deo was Chief Guest. Participants and their relatives came from all over Maharashtra. Total 12 Winners were selected. One Rotary Club also got prize. Final Judges are non rotarians, They are from Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad. Mahrashtra Sahitya Parishad's Karyadhyaksha Milind Joshi was also on Dias and Maharashtra Sahitya Parishand gave Manchinha of Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad to1st group and individual prize winners and certificates to all participants. Club gave cash prizes and Continental & Presidents sponsored books
Start Date | 25-02-2022 |
End Date | 25-02-2022 |
Cost | 25000 |
Rotary Volunteer Hours | 100 |
Partner Clubs | |
Non Rotary Partners | Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Continental Prakashan |
Category | - |