03-08-2017 - 17-08-2017

Service Director Rtn Bharati initiated this Terrace Gardening project. In this project she delivers a lecture with power point presentation. She tells in her lecture about how the manure, compost is to be done from kitchen wastes, left over food, vegetables and fruit peels , dried leaves etc. How to plant the trees using this manure, how the care and precautions are to be taken during planting, growing the trees.etc In this project Shivajinagar club approached us to keep Rtn Bharati's lecture in their Renutai Gavaskar school. This school rus the children of prostitutes and street children. The intension of selecting this school is to foster joy of creation, hope, positivity in these children as well as building gardening skill in them. This work will help them in keeping busy and away from nervousness, sorrow, loneliness in them.

Project Details

Start Date 03-08-2017
End Date 17-08-2017
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 2
No of direct Beneficiaries 110
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others