06-10-2019 - 09-11-2019

This Rainy season was a devastating one for parts of Western India. Sangli was one of the most affected districts of the state of Maharashtra. Flood washed away all residents on the banks of river Krishna; not sparing any one including the rich and the poor. The Government helped in providing food, clothes, shelter and other rehabilitation aids. But it could not cover all affected. Sangli City Library called Sangli Nagar Vachanalay had lost 50,000 books which were converted into pulp. Rotary Club Pune University with Rotary Club of Sangli planned to help the library. They were also helped by Marathi Literature Council- Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad and Continental Publication. Thus they could collect 11,500+ books on varied subjects which are very apt for the Library. The effort is replicated by other institutes to help the other libraries from Sangli District.

Project Details

Start Date 06-10-2019
End Date 09-11-2019
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Sangli.
Non Rotary Partners Continental Publications
Project Category Others