16-05-2020 - 16-05-2020

It was a Joint Project of Maharashtra Technical Education Society and RC Pune University. Our own member Rtn Dr Shantanu Deshpande took an initiative. He was got interviewed on TV Channel- 'Zee 24 Taas' . The main intension of this interview was to guide the parents, students of 10th Std. Rtn Dr Shantanu Deshpande in his interview explained that : 1) After 10th Std why to appear for Aptitude , 2) After 10th Students should go to Science/Commerce/Arts, 3) In 10th Students should opt for PCM/PCB/PCMB... what to choose?......etc Thus Rtn Dr Shantanu Deshpande gave all information to all viewrs. He gave good Career Direction to all parents and students. He also shared the website for this.

Project Details

Start Date 16-05-2020
End Date 16-05-2020
Project Cost 140000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 3000
No of direct Beneficiaries 20000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Maharashtra Technical Education Society
Project Category Basic education and literacy