28-04-2020 - 31-08-2020

Second GG Project #2012527 (Covid-19) with RC Pune Central. RC Pune University is the synergy partner in this Second GG Project. Also RC New City is the Global Partner from USA. University, . Overall this Grant is about $90400. RCP Cenrral is the Primary Club in this project. The hospitals covered are Sassoon, Bharati, Symbiosis & Cantonment general. Items are Ventilators, PPE kits. Funding by: 1. Anchor donor : arya omnitalk csr rs20L (courtesy Rtn Vipen) 2. Pioneer med foundation, USA : usd 19k (courtesy rcp metro) 3. Rcp university usd 1000 4. Rcp lokamanya nagar usd 500 5. RC new city usd 500 6. Early salary rs.3.0L 7. Rcpc members. The execution of this 2nd GG project will be in next year ie RY 2020-21

Project Details

Start Date 28-04-2020
End Date 31-08-2020
Project Cost 78750
Rotary Volunteer Hours 240
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs RCP Central is the Primary Contact. Other Partner Clubs are RCP Metro, RCP Lokmanya Nagar, RC New City(USA)
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Disease prevention and treatment, District Thrust Area, Maternal and child health