19-08-2014 - 19-08-2015

Installation of our Early Act Club at RMP School RC Pune University has the distinction of having established the first ever Earlyact Club in District 3131. This club, started in 2012 at RMP School, Kothrud, had its Installation program on 19th August. Under the guidance of the Principal Ms. Jadhav of the primary school, children enthusiastically prepared for the Installation. They boldly recited invocation prayers, welcomed the guests and invited them to speak. The children also exchanged collars between the outgoing and incoming Presidents of their club. The school authorities were gracious enough to felicitate all the Rotarians who had come to attend the program. Highlight of the program was a talk on conservation of water by Rtn. Makarand Tillu. In his inimitable style, he made all the children laugh to their hearts’ content and then moved to educate them about the need to conserve water. He motivated them to work for stopping water leakages, fixing dripping and leaky taps, reduce water needs for everyday activities and to eliminate wasteful use of water at their homes and neighbourhoods.

Project Details

Start Date 19-08-2014
End Date 19-08-2015
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Jadhav Ma'am, Principal of RMP School Junior Section
Project Category Basic education and literacy