12-07-2014 - 01-09-2014

Child Development: Project for Autistic Children Special children have a special place in Rotary’s TEACH mission and District 3131 has set a target of reaching out to 330 schools for disabled children. In keeping with this spirit, RC Pune University interacted with an institution devoted fully to autistic children that had approached us at the beginning of the year. Autism is a lesser known problem in Indian society and has largely been concealed or ignored. Autistic persons are not necessarily mentally retarded; rather they have an uncommon set of problems, which are difficult to comprehend for normal people. Prasanna Autism Centre (PAC) caters to such children and is entirely dependent on help from individuals and organizations as they do not get any government support. RCPU’s team visited on 12th July to see and understand their problems. President Dileep together with First Lady Shobhana – Chairperson of RCPU Literacy Committee, Service Projects Director Satish Mohile, Youth Services Director PP Rekha Patil, PP Pradip Patil, PE Deepa Gadgil, Rtns. Bapusaheb and Vaishaliraje Shitole saw the set-up and understood the basics about Autism. PAC’s Managing Director Mrs. Sadhana Godbole showed them a ‘Wish List’ – a summery of resources needed the Centre. RCPU team zeroed in on sets of Therapy Games required for autistic children. After identifying a supplier of such games and negotiation by Rtn. Satish, the materials were ordered by RCPU and delivered at PAC in the last week of August’14. Mrs. Godbole was invited to RCPU’s weekly meeting on 1st Sept’14 as the Guest Speaker when she familiarized club member with autism. She urged the members to visit and see the Centre, and was formally handed over a set of Games by PP Abhay Gadgil in the presence of Rtn. Ravee Dhotre, District Chairman – Literacy Committee. This was RCPU’s first association with PAC which will be very useful to them for a long time.

Project Details

Start Date 12-07-2014
End Date 01-09-2014
Project Cost 34000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Mrs. Sadhana Godbole, Mr. Keskar of Prasanna Autism Centre
Project Category Others