01-09-2014 - 16-09-2014

Street Play Competition by our Rotaractors: Students of Siddhivinayak College of Arts and Commerce, who are Rotaracts of Rotary Club of Pune University got a wonderful opportunity to showcase their talents at a Street Play Competition on 16th September 2014. The competition was actively encouraged by RCPU which sponsored the prizes and certificates. Girls studying at this college come largely from low income families and are often hard pressed to pay their fees or to buy books etc. But they have boundless enthusiasm to do something unique. When the college proposed conducting a street play contest, RCPU immediately agreed to support it. The girls selected some very important themes for their plays such as ‘Save the Girl Child’, ‘Save Water’, ‘Follow Traffic Rules’, ‘National Integration’ and ‘Disadvantages of Mobile Phones’. The also performed flawlessly their plays which were enacted in the open field of the college. It was a difficult task for the judges to select winners. RCPU team was present in strength at the competition. At the end of the competition, prizes were given away by PP Pradip Patil, First Lady Shobhana Paranjpye and Director – Vocational Excellence Kumudini Chaudhari. The team was led by Dirctor – Youth Services PP Rekha Patil, and included Director – Administration Sujata Kuljarni, Rtn. Shruti Kuber and Rtn. Jayant Chaudhari.

Project Details

Start Date 01-09-2014
End Date 16-09-2014
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 45
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Principal Dr. Pushpa Ranade and Ms. Amrapali of Siddhivinayak College
Project Category Others