23-08-2014 - 01-02-2015

RC Pune University’s Signature Project – Knee Brace Camps (KBC) Knee joint pain and need for Knee Replacement is becoming a common malady affecting an increasing number of older people. These arise out of a wide variety of causes and result in immense discomfort and impairment for the patient. Many such people are advised Knee Replacement Surgery, which is not only expensive but also not feasible for many a patients due to their age, diabetic condition, financial limitations or plain unwillingness. They continue to suffer pain, some are unable to walk or have to walk with ‘Duck Waddle’ and face tremendous difficulties in their routine movements. The metallic Knee Braces developed at PNR Society; Bhavnagar can be a boon for such persons. The device, patented by the inventor, is fitted over a full leg stocking worn by the person suffering knee pain. The Braces are made to measure for individuals, and can be fitted on or taken off by the users themselves. RC Pune University in collaboration with PNR Society arranges 2-Day Knee Brace Camps once every two months. On these two days, people who need relief from knee pain gather at the camps, get their condition examined and are advised whether or not to go for the Knee Braces. Those who opt for Knee Braces are provided the devices fabricated on the spot to suit their own sizes and shapes. They are also taught how to put them on or take them off and how to walk normally. They are also provided with a DVD which explains the function and use of Knee Braces. KBC has been a Signature Project for RCPU for the last 5 years and so far nearly 5000 people have taken advantage of the program. In the current Rotary year 2014-15, RC Pune University has conducted four such camps, one each August, October, December (2014) and Jan-Feb.’15. In these camps, leading role was played by PP Pradip Patil, the Knee Brace Champion of the club together with PP Rekha Patil, PP Kshama Gangoli and First Lady Shobhana who flawlessly handled administration of the camps. A total of 116 persons suffering from knee ailments were provided the braces. Additionally some 237 persons, who had been provided Knee Braces in earlier camps also came for check-up and adjustment of their appliances. Users of Knee Braces have made extremely appreciative comments about their experience. To quote a few: ‘I am able to walk well due to the knee braces provided by you. I am grateful to you’ – (Mr. Sudhir Joshi - August 2014) ‘I experienced very severe knee pain…….. was advised to go for knee replacement….. Since taking the knee caps (sic) in Dec.’12 I walk regularly…. Even go for treadmill …….. You have changed my life. God bless. (Mr. Raj Kumar Saini – May’14) ‘My X-Ray shows remarkable improvement…… It is a boon to many’ (Mr. J. N. Shanbag, April’14) ‘There is a huge improvement in my ailment…… now I walk 3 kilometers every morning …… can sit cross legged and can climb stairs. A hundred thanks. (Mr. G.H.Chandale – Aug.’11) My knee pain has reduced tremendously since I started using the knee braces some months ago. Even when I am very tired, I can do all activities at home when using the braces. My heartfelt thanks to the people at the camp and the Institutions which conduct such camps (Mrs. Alaka Sathe, December’14) People who have used Knee Braces include very poor and very prosperous, young and aged, men and women. This low cost option has proved to be a boon to people suffering from knee pain. Highlight of the camp on 7th December 2014 was a visit by AG Sunil Vispute and AAG Chandrashekhar Desai, who were both impressed by the activity. They took keen interest in the process by observing, speaking to users and the expert.

Project Details

Start Date 23-08-2014
End Date 01-02-2015
Project Cost 480000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 353
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dr. Vijay Naik and his team members
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment