01-10-2014 - 22-11-2014

RC Pune University – Interact Charter Presentation RC Pune University’s new Interact Club established at Hutatma Rajguru School received its Charter from President Dileep Paranjpye on 18th November 2014. At an enthusiastically arranged program, President Dileep implored the Interactors to imbibe the ways of Rotary to become good citizens and to strive to become Global Citizens. PP Pradip Patil explained the benefits of being Interactors and the types of co-curricular programs that our Club will conduct for them. After being introduced by First Lady Shobhana, the Guest Speaker of the day Rtn. Sumedha Bhosale gave a very educative, interactive talk. She spoke at length about physical and mental health, importance of diet and exercise, and how to balance various requirements of life. Newly appointed President of Interact Club Mandira Mohite made the most of the opportunity to speak before the audience. She boldly and clearly narrated her interactions with Rotary, while school Principal Mrs. Patil expressed thanks for the help given at by RCPU at various times. PP Rekha Patil, Director – Youth Services of RCPU had coordinated all work of the event, while Secretary Sharang and Director Satish Mohile ensured that the event was adequately photographed. Presentation Ceremony for the second Interact Club was conducted on 22nd November 2014 at Palkar Abhijat School. The program included a talk by PP Pradip Patil who elaborately apprised the students at the school the advantages they will have by becoming Interacters. It was followed by Presentation of the Charter and Interact President’s Collar to the students by RCPU President Dileep Paranjpye. Invited Guest Speaker Rtn. Dr. Sumedha Bhosale gave a talk to the students about health, hygiene, fitness and exercise. She encouraged the Interacters to perform ‘Surya-Namaskar’ which provide exercise for the entire body. Highlight of the program was a Gift of Science Experiments Kit from RCPU to the School. It was presented to them at the hands of AG Sunil Vispute who spoke about the various ways in which Rotary can help schools and their students. The day’s program was coordinated by RCPU Youth Services Director PP Rekha Patil. First Lady Shobhana introduced the speakers while the Interact Mentor PE Deepa Gadgil assured the school of all help in their endeavors. Palkar School Interacters are now preparing for the District Competition ‘Nayta Vachan’ and want to win a prize!!

Project Details

Start Date 01-10-2014
End Date 22-11-2014
Project Cost 6000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 80
Partner Clubs RC Pune Sahwas
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy