09-08-2014 - 18-10-2014

RC Pune University chips in at Rotary Hill The Sus-Pashan Hill is slated to become Rotary District 3131’s Signature Project. This barren 33 acre site has been given by Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to Rotary for turning it into a forest with green trees. Members from various clubs started this work in right earnest on 9th August’14 when RID3131 celebrated Van Mahotsav at the site under the leadership of DG Vivek. On that day nearly a thousand Rotarians, anns and annets enthusiastically participated in tree planting. However, the planted saplings will need water as soon as the monsoon season ends, and the supply has to be sustained throughout rest of the year. While PMC is ready to supply water at the site, there is a great need for storage capacity as the supply will come in tankers, not through pipelines. This is where RCPU decided to chip in. We have accepted the responsibility to provide one concrete water tank of 5000 litre capacity. Joining hands with RCP Sahawas, we have funded the construction of one such tank by each of us. The twin tanks are situated at a height where tankers can reach. From there, water will initially be carried to trees in jerry cans by hand by enthusiasts and volunteers. Small pipelines will also be run from the tanks to tree bases so as to allow drip watering. RCPU is proud to be associated with this giant project which will turn the barren hill into a green paradise where people can enjoy the beauty of nature.

Project Details

Start Date 09-08-2014
End Date 18-10-2014
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs RC Pune Sahwas
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area