01-12-2014 - 01-12-2014

RC Pune University – AIDS Awareness Program RCPU conducted an AIDS Awareness and Prevention Program at Hutatma Rajguru School on International AIDS Prevention Day, 1st December 2014. The program, targeting girls on classes 8th and 9th had students and teachers listening attentively to the talks on this somewhat difficult subject. The speaker, Mr. Sachin Pawar, an Officer from the Public Health Services of Maharashtra Government was a dedicated to the cause and spoke effectively, attuned to the age group and social strata of the students. RCPU’s Director – Medical Services who had arranged the program at a very short notice made it a point to be present, and also spoke to the girls. School authorities were very thankful to RCPU for having arranged such an effective program, and have requested further counseling sessions, which the Club is arranging. President Dileep Paranjpye, First Lady Shobhana and Director – Vocational Excellence Kumudini Chaudhari guided the school on further actions.

Project Details

Start Date 01-12-2014
End Date 01-12-2014
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Mr.Sachin Pawar (Maharashtra Govt.), Mrs. Jayashri Patil - HR School
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment