01-07-2022 - 31-03-2023

Project of converting about 50 acres of land completely into Natural Farming and providing infrastructure for the same to farmers. It included: Providing Desi Cows to farmers Setting up shelters for collecting gomutra & dung, Constructing cement tanks of 600 liters for the farmers, Providing Tractor led tanks or simple STB motors to feed jeevamrut to the plants, vegetables, and etc. Providing Sprayers to spray jeevamrut to the plants and vegetables. Select and plan for the sowing & produce, Help pack, transport, & market the goods at urban places

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2022
End Date 31-03-2023
Project Cost 2100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 750
No of direct Beneficiaries 750
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners RID 3131 Media Ocean Asia Pvt. Ltd.
Project Category Environment