30-06-2024 - 30-06-2024

Given Service Excellence award to 5 NGO and 5 Individuals under MCMP NGOs/ Organisations 1. Jeevit Nadi – Works on the concept river revival 2. Soham Trust - Doctor for Beggars- Giving medical services and rehabilitation of poor 3. Do Save Foundation – Works on Traffic management & other social work 4. Studio Alternative – Work on Waste Upcycling 5. Pune Green hills group – Works on green hills preservation and development Individuals 1. Ms. Amrpali Chavan- Innovative Re-use of Waste Material 2. Mr. Sunil Joshi – Revial of natural sources of water 3. Mr. Shailendra Patel - Revial of natural sources of water 4. Mr. Santosh Pardeshi - Waste Management 5. Mr. Satish Khade – Water Conservation

Project Details

Start Date 30-06-2024
End Date 30-06-2024
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Vocational Service